Monday, February 13, 2012

Clergy United in Support of Marriage Equality in Maryland

Many clergy came together on Friday, February 10, 2012 in support of our gay and lesbian people to legally marry in Maryland.  Pictured here is the first group.  Others came later to give their testimony.

Some of us were there from 1:00 pm until 12:00 midnight waiting to testify in favor of HB 438.  My testimony was at 7:45 pm.  And I arrived at 2:30 pm for a 3 pm - 4 pm time slot.

Here is my testimony.

I am, Rev. Starlene Joyner Burns of SJB Ministries LLC in Bowie Maryland.

When I started my ministry in 2006, it was to serve everyone without a church home; including our gay and lesbian people.  My ministry serves those needing pastoral guidance, spiritual healing, relationship coaching, or officiating service for their nuptial.

Because of this work, I can tell you today, that there is no difference between gay relationships and straight ones.  Gay and lesbian couples have the same problems, same hopes, same dreams; that straight couples have for their relationship and their family. 

The only thing that’s missing here in Maryland is that they cannot legally get married and provide the kind of protection that a marriage certificate brings. 

Yes, that piece of paper that's so meaningless to some.   Has a whole lot of meaning for those who can't get it. 

Can you image being with someone for 30 years and that person was suddenly taken out of this world.  Try to keep in mind that she’s the sole provider. And you had nothing to worry about, other than taking care of the family.

The mortgage was paid every month, all the bills were paid on time, including the kids' college tuition, your credit cards, and that expensive car note. 

In a heterosexual marriage scenario, like this one; the financial fear wouldn't exist, because the surviving spouse would know of her entitlements.  Other than grieving the lost of her spouse, she would still have health insurance, survival compensation, a house that becomes hers, and all the bells and whistles that go with being a widow. 

In a same sex couples relationship, survival benefits don't exist.  There would be no health insurance to roll over, no social security, no pension, and definitely no retirement benefits to collect from the lost of a partner.

That’s why; we need this change. 

While these protections are vital to families, marriage is about a whole lot more.  Marriage makes families stronger.

It allows two people the opportunity to stand before their family and friends and make the public commitment to take on the responsibilities that marriage affords.

God created all of us to be equal, straight, gay, lesbian.

We’re all created in absolute perfection.

I support this bill because it recognizes that religious freedom and marriage equality go hand in hand.

Therefore I hope you pass HB  438, and make Maryland an equal and just state.

Thank you

The end

To all our gay and lesbian people;

I can only pray that you do not lose hope in religion and do not associate religious equality leaders with those who oppose your divine self. 

God loves all, and does not discriminate. 

Man is the only being on earth who is capable of destroying a race or a group of like minded people.   

I'm not asking you, right now, to forgive those who have persecuted you.

But I am asking you to start the healing process, by forgiving yourself for feeling shame, unworthiness, frustration, and even hate that has been created within you by those claiming to represent our caring, giving, and loving God.

For this I am grateful.

posted by,

Reverend Starlene Joyner Burns
Court Authorized Officiant, Ordained Minister
Marriage Equality Supporter

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